The Chrysler Skim PIN Code Retrieval Tool is a software and hardware system designed to operate with a Windows based laptop computer using a USB and an OBDII cable. Once the software has been loaded onto the laptop computer, the USB cable connects the interface to the laptop. The interface contains the necessary circuitry. When programming a vehicle, the OBDII port cable is connected from the interface to the vehicle at the OBDII port. To begin operation, the software is launched and confirms the connection via the lit green USB tab on the bottom of the screen. Look for the “USB device is Connected” message on the screen. This assures you that your laptop computer and the interface are communicating properly. The next step is to choose the appropriate vehicle (protocol) from the drop-down menu. If the vehicle is not listed, look for a similar vehicle that uses the same system. If you choose the wrong vehicle, you will simply get an error message and have to choose a different vehicle. Note: Technical support says that you cannot damage the vehicle or your tool using the trial and error method. If the vehicle is a CAN vehicle, which includes the new FOBIK vehicles, select “AUTO IDENTIFY” and the software should auto-detect the appropriate protocol for the vehicle model. If you are dealing with a Type 1 or SKREEM vehicle, you will have to use the included clip to make a direct connection to the circuit board inside the SKIM module.

Highlight the “Read Skim” option and the tool will identify the vehicle and give you the module identification number. Note: For most locksmith operations, the module identification number will not be needed, but this step indicates you have connected the interface correctly, and have chosen the correct protocol.